Acceptable Storage: Spring Cleaning Tips & Ottawa Storage Helps
After a long Ottawa winter, spring is the time to air everything out, freshen up your home and give it a deep clean. Our surroundings affect how we feel, and a clean, decluttered space definitely lifts the spirits. This is where self-storage is a solution. A storage facility can be a great resource for speeding up a cleaning blitz. It’s the place for putting away oversized items, seasonal clothing, bedding and decor.
At first glance, this whole project may seem overwhelming, but if you break it down into manageable steps you can clean and corral the clutter in no time! To help you on your way, here are a few hints and tips. Shake out the cobwebs and give yourself room to breathe, mentally and physically!
Take Stock
Although you might be tempted to jump right into this endeavour, do not. Restraint will pay off in the long run. The first step is to take stock. Go through your house room by room and make a quick checklist of what needs doing. Decide what you want to take on first and what supplies you’ll need.
Next, corral the clutter! You’ll find frequently designers recommend that decluttering is the best way to begin any deep cleaning. Not only does it give you the ability to clean better, but it also gives you the chance to get rid of things you no longer want or need.
This is where a reliable, clean storage facility is a great resource. It allows you to keep valuable items clean and dry over the summer season and quickly tidies up your home, inside and out. If you plan to clean carpets or paint, short-term storage offers a simple solution. Large pieces, like dressers, beds, sofas and tables can be moved out of the way until the job is done.
Your space will never look clean and fresh if it’s covered in clutter, so while you are cleaning it’s a great opportunity to edit out and donate unwanted items and put anything valuable in storage.
Get it together
Once you’ve decided where you want to start, put on your favourite podcast or playlist, light a candle and get out your cleaning gear. Load up a container with basics that you can take with you from room to room: rubber gloves, microfibre cloths, cleaning supplies like baking soda, white vinegar and soap, all-purpose and glass-cleaning sprays, a sponge, a toothbrush, and a scrub brush.
To get started you will need an organizational system: garbage bags with tags or different coloured bins to sort items into categories: donate, store or toss. By placing a bag, box or bin somewhere handy for unwanted items, you can easily drop in the things that you don’t use anymore as you go from room to room.
Great, you’ve done the prep, you have a strategy and a checklist. You can now fearlessly attack one room at a time.
- Start by opening the windows and letting in some fresh air. Put a little vanilla diluted in water and heat to make your home smell like you’ve been baking. Fresh potted herbs, such as basil, mint or rosemary in the kitchen can also brighten and freshen the room.
- Clean and organize kitchen cabinets. Take everything out and discard anything that’s past its stale date. Wipe the cupboards inside and out.
- Clean your oven. Sprinkle baking soda over the bottom of the oven, then spray or pour vinegar over it. Leave overnight, then simply wipe clean in the morning and you’re done.
- Clean your microwave by adding lemon juice or white vinegar to a bowl of water and heating it on full power for about five minutes. Then just wipe down and you’ll have a clean shiny microwave.
- Give the fridge a once over. Take everything out. Toss anything that has expired or looks tired. Wipe down shelves and sides with soapy water and rinse.
- To make the bathroom fresh instantly add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the inside of your toilet paper roll. This will keep your bathroom smelling lovely.
- Clean the showerhead by filling a sandwich bag with baking soda and vinegar and tying it around the showerhead with an elastic band. Let it soak overnight. In the morning, gently scrub to remove scale.
- Toss shower curtains and bath mats in the washing machine.
- Spritz down the shower and tub and rinse with a solution of vinegar and water to get rid of soap scum.
Living room:
- Dust and vacuum couches and chairs.
- Sprinkle baking soda over carpets and area rugs, then vacuum vigorously.
- A little vinegar on a damp cloth can buff up wood furniture and floors.
- Remove and dust books and knick-knacks.
- Clean and dust shelves and entertainment units.
- Store away cushions, throws and seasonal items that are no use for the summer season.
- Freshen bed linens by soaking them in baking soda and vinegar, then run them through a regular wash cycle.
- You can also use bicarbonate of soda to deodorize your mattress. Simply sprinkle all over your mattress and leave for up to eight hours. Then vacuum up any excess powder.
- Switch to lighter bedding. Put away the flannel sheets, thick duvets and wool blankets. Trade out winter decor by changing decorative pillows and adding some brighter spring colours to revive the look of your room.
- Sort through your winter coats, bulky sweaters, mitts and scarves. Put them in storage bins and clearly label for next winter.
- It’s also a great time to assess what you really wear and what you don’t.
- Get rid of the excess.
You can do this!
Remember: for bulky out-of-season belongings, oversized items, or accessories, renting a storage unit can make spring cleaning easier.
Consider a storage unit to get things out of your way and ensure that everything will be clean and protected for next year.