How Decluttering Your Home Can Make Your Life Better – and How Self-Storage in Ottawa Can Help
We all look for ways to make life easier for ourselves and our family. Is organizing the available space in your home really going to change your life? The answer may depend on your current level of clutter and your ability to manage with the mess, but most home and many health experts say a resounding YES! A home or business that’s free of clutter is more efficient and can often help you significantly reduce stress. Reduced stress is an important health factor. If you are looking to reduce anxiety and stress in your life, decluttering your home or work space can be a great step! That’s what we’ll be exploring in this issue of the Acceptable Storage blog.
The Problem with Clutter
Clutter is a problem that impacts our daily lives, as lack of organization leads to efficiency issues. The inefficient time spent searching for stuff adds to our daily frustration and stress. You can’t find an important receipt… You can’t find your car keys… It’s pouring rain outside and you can’t find that umbrella… And your stress level begins to build. We’ve all been there, right?!
The other growing problem is the cost of space. If you rent or own your home, you’re paying per square foot – naturally you’d want to make the most of you space for living and enjoyment, not clutter. If you own a business, you want every square foot of the operation working toward your bottom line.
How often do you or a family member comment: we need a bigger garage, a bigger kitchen, we need more closet space, more space to store all the things you can’t seem to get rid of? The frustration and poor use of available of space is an efficiency problem that can evolve into a rather difficult problem.
How to Get Started on the Clutter Problem? Set Goals!
Clutter is one those problems that does not go away on its own. Worse yet, it’s progressive, a problem that only gets worse over time. Before you know it, the clutter problem has been building for months and likely years. A build-up of clutter just generates more clutter. It’s a vicious circle.
De-cluttering is the opposite of that… a virtuous cycle, if you will.
Why not make a commitment now to get your life decluttered?
You don’t have to do it all at once! There’s no need to face a daunting project with fear & trepidation. Just break it down into smaller tasks… declutter your decluttering project!
It is best to make a prioritized list of all the areas in your home or office that need decluttering. Then pick an area each week and set aside a maximum of 3 or 4 hours to complete. Realistic sub-targets for declutter and a reasonable amount of time will avoid burnout. Aiming to have a clutter-free home in 30 days is probably a realistic goal for most. The gradual improvement in efficiency will motivate you, and others on the declutter team, to stick with the plan.
The best ways to Remove Clutter
The methods to remove clutter involve better space management or clutter elimination.
Marie Kondo, a Japanese de-cluttering expert, has made this into a phenomenon with her Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.
The best approach is to start with elimination. Why spend time and money organizing things you really don’t need or really only need at certain times of the year. It can be difficult, but you need to assess the clutter build-up and eliminate. Elimination means gather all the stuff you really don’t need, or have not even considered using in years and donate, or recycle. This can also lead to some anxiety. It is can be hard to part with the many things you have gathered over the years, but you need stick to the plan. Self-storage in Ottawa is a good option for eliminating clutter while keeping the things you know you will need in the future.
Once you have eliminated the unnecessary clutter, then look into space management. This means better containers, racks and shelves to help find things when needed. Paper clutter can be moved to better filing cabinets or moved into digital storage. There are many useful products and services available to help you organize the essentials. The process of sorting essentials from the clutter that is the challenge.
Find a Great Storage Facility
An excellent way to declutter is use the services of a self-storage facility. There are many items you’ll want to keep, but you don’t need to access every day. This could include holiday decorations. Everyone loves your Halloween setup and your Christmas lights display, but your home could use the space to get better organized. The kayak and ski equipment in your garage are really in the way, and better safely stored in well protected storage facility. If you own a small business, why take up costly office space with files that you may only occasionally need access? The answer is to find a great storage facility. There are many things you need to keep, and off-site storage would a be far more cost-efficient method and really help your home or business organized.
A Great Storage Facility in the Ottawa Area
Acceptable Storage Ottawa has been providing high quality affordable Ottawa storage solutions since 1963. Our storage units in Ottawa are impeccably clean, always kept dry and pest-controlled. We offer the most competitive Ottawa self-storage rates. To store all those essentials from your now clutter-free home, you want a facility that is very secure, and Acceptable Storage Ottawa has some of the most secure Facilities for self-storage in Ottawa. So, whether you need to store that kayak and ski equipment, or the holiday displays, or any other home or office storage needs, We can help you find a storage solution that fits your needs and budget.
A home or business free of clutter is more efficient and can help you significantly reduce stress. We all know less stress is an important health factor and if you are looking to reduce anxiety and stress in your life, decluttering your home or work space is a great way to start. Part of you decluttering solution should include a storage facility. Acceptable Storage Ottawa is a family owned business that provides high quality, affordable, and very secure storage solutions.
Contact us today to make Acceptable Storage Ottawa part of your clutter reduction plan.